Even if you don’t believe in God, or that it’s God’s words, with any sensible discerning thought, you can see that the concepts of the good, that we believe in, are surely good ideals for all humanity, so believing in God, or not, has nothing to do with learning to live the good life, of caring, sharing, forgiving, loving & understanding. Click on 100A to learn ore.
100A. Lost & Found Negative Behavior Home pg guide.
Maybe it’s time to step back to your childhood, did friends really have to like & dislike, the same people, teachers, stores, neighbors, pets, food as you, before you “allowed” them to be your friend? Would you not let one who voted differently, save you, or your family’s life if it came to it? Would you not save theirs if you could?
Are you less of a sinner than them, or a better friend, or family member? Or do you contribute more to society, or your community, or church, than them?
What makes you better in God’s eyes, than them? Click on 100B to learn more.
100B. What do you pledge allegiance to.
We find the truth in God’s word, not in man’s self centered beliefs & we need to start standing up for something much stronger than our so called beliefs, which these upcoming posts will prayerfully help us do, as it is time to give God control back, as we start seeking His will for our lives, instead of our will, which has only worked at making a mess of our, children, our lives & our world. So it is time for some serious prayer, as time is running out, to get as far away from common, as we start working our way back towards God, before common swallows up any chances that we have at decency. Please click on 100C for more.
God has made you, to be so much more than what thoughts & beliefs tell you that you are, so it’s time to stop listening to what the world “knows”, or says about you & to start becoming the person, that God has created you to be. Check out 100D for more.
This is not about religious programming, it’s about a way of life, spreading the truth of God’s word, to people who are going to perish, if we do not step up & plant the seed of hope & truth that we all need & which is found by knowing that we can trust God & need to now be asking, what we can do to show God that He can trust us. Click 100E link for more.
Today I will welcome positive change in my thinking, as I become willing to listen, to think, to learn & to change; as these are the keys to my vehicle of change & I will use them wisely, as I learn new things about myself. Click 100F for more.
100F. This-could-be-best-day-of-your-life.
Once you come to realize & believe that God forgives all your shortcomings & errors & to see that you can love & trust Him, Your life will start making sense, beyond what you could’ve realized, because He truly loves & has a purpose for you & is ready to use you for His Glory if you will allow him too. Click link 100G for more.