Some signs of Alcohol use disorder are continuing to drink even though it is causing trouble with your family or at work, drinking more than you intended, having to drink more than before to get a desired effect, being unable to stop drinking after repeated attempts, or continuing to drink despite negative consequences. Signs of AUD may also include drinking to alleviate negative emotions, such as feeling “low,” anxious, uneasy, unhappy, unwell, dissatisfied with life, or other negative emotions that were caused or worsened by alcohol misuse. Learn more about the symptoms of AUD. Having any of these symptoms may be a cause for concern. The more symptoms one has, the more urgent the need for change. Click link below for much info.
The devastation from addiction had engulfed my mind, body, spirit & soul. I had no idea what was happening in my life, or mind, just that something was taking everything from me, & killing every good hope, dream & vision that I had ever had. Click link 105A to see that I have walked & crawled through the walk.
You need to know the truth, that if U choose to suck burning paper, dried up leaves, or flavored aerosol items, into your lungs, it could be one of the dumbest & possibly most harmful choices of your life & it’s almost guaranteed that you will battle more years, while wasting more money, trying to quit, than the couple years that you thought it was cool? & in one way, or another it will negatively affect your health & life, even if it doesn’t kill you, like the 1300 people that die every day from it, you could become one of the 16 million Americans living with life threatening diseases from these products. Click link 105B to learn the truths.
105B. Smoking & Vaping rewards.
Every drop of alcohol, contains Ethyl/Ethanol alcohol which causes cancer. WHO (world Health org.), CDC (Centers 4 disease control), NIAAA (Nat. Inst. Alc. Abuse) & many others have discovered the truth & in their words state that “no level of alcohol consumption is good for your health! As the risks & harms have been evaluated over many years & there is no safe amount! Alcohol is a toxic, psychoactive, dependence producing substance that has been classified in the highest risk group, as a group 1 carcinogen & alcohol causes at least 7 types of cancers including breast & colon. There are 58 alcohol related causes of death, on a death certificate, 180K people die from drinking each yr./ 500 people a day, work now to not become one of them. Click link 105C to see more.
105C. Yes 1 drink can hurt or kill.
It is time to see, that you cannot wait until tomorrow, to do better today, as you must learn to live & grow in the now, while remembering that mistakes & all, that you are deserving & capable of a life free from addiction & negative behaviors. Please Click the 105D link to learn more.
You do not have to wait, until you cannot stand anymore pain, to make the decision to change directions, or to stand up & face what is ahead. It becomes a matter of realizing that the mind thrives on what you feed it, so start feeding it well & it will do well, but keep feeding it poison & it will become poisoned. Click 105e link.
105E. Life change is within your grasp.
The prisons, jails, morgues, cemeteries & court houses are over filled with individuals, who did not take the time to contemplate the consequences of their next decision? & many of their lives have become exactly what they made it, without taking time to truly think out the consequences, or the possible rewards, of positive thought changes, which is always an option, no matter how bad things look & feel & yes I am solid proof of this statement. Click link 105F for more
105F. Eliminate bad thoughts and days for good.
So now it is time to own up to your life decisions & reactions, for all that they are, bad behaviors, from bad decisions & to realize that these behaviors are learned & as such, they can be unlearned, through changing your daily input & output, by becoming mindful of your selftalk (input), as well as your true powers of decision & attitudes (output). Click link 105G to see more.