This is a good place to stop for a moment & realize that we are here to open some eyes to the truth, even hidden truths & even though we all have the right to our opinions, we dont have the right to let them influence facts & truths. So please open your mind to the idea of learning new things, without arguing personal unproven beliefs, as we are looking to see things through Gods eyes, not ours & I truly want to apologize to you & all, especially if any, of them have in any way harmed you, or your thoughts, or turned you against God, or any of us, or thoughts of a personal relationship with Christ, as we know that all that call themselves Christians, are not of God & just as we won’t judge you, especially on another’s faults & lies. Again, I ask, please do not judge true believers, badly, based on false believers ungodly faults. Please click on 103A link for some real truths,
Christ said, that all have sinned & fallen short; & to let him who has not sinned to cast the 1st stone; I also believe Christ, when He said that hatred, is equal to murder, as it is the same as murder, in the heart & I believe that we are to uphold each other, especially those who are lost & facing being cast away into the fire, as they do not know that through repentance, that they too can be forgiven & saved. Please help save the forest by clicking on 103B.
103B Abortion-who-it-truly-hurts.
Romans 13:1-3: “Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God. So whoever resists the authority, resists the ordinance of God & those who resist will bring judgment on themselves. Click 103C for more.
103C. God or Political Indifference.
If you’re going to say oh my God add some love, or a request to it, e.g. oh my God I love you, oh my God I need your help, oh my God ?, but don’t immaturely sinfully use God’s name to express your anger, surprise, satisfaction, or dissatisfaction, or unbelief, as He is listening. Click 103D for more.
103D. How do You use Gods Name.
As every one of these trees of hatred, anger, animosity & such, completely blocks out the eternal forest of salvation, that awaits those who believe in Christ & repent of all sins, against all, regardless of how they feel about us, as I forgive & love because of who I am in Christ & because of all that God the Father stands for, not because of me, or who I have forgiven, as it’s not truly about them, it’s about God & just because I forgive them, doesn’t mean that they will not have to answer to God & mens law, Romans 12:17-20 says Do not repay evil for evil, never take revenge, Vengeance is mine says the Lord. Click 103E. for more.
103E. Don’t hold on to Hatred.
Its supposed to be Christ that lives within you & Christ is the one who gives free will & if you want it for you, but want to limit others, then that is not living in the Jesus. There are many ungodly people out there, so don’t expect them to act in a Christian manner, but you are different, so show it in your actions towards them i.e. Don’t be like them, just because they treat you wrongly, as that’s who they are, not who you are. Well so what am I supposed to do when someone hollers at my mom? or calls my mom a name that I don’t like? Well let me tell you, you read this passage again & learn what God says you’re supposed to do. Click 103F.
103F. Led by beliefs, or Truth.
So what honestly pours out of you when things don’t go your way? Or others think differently than you? Or act in ways that you don’t like, or approve of? Click 103G to see more.
So would you rush in & do what you could, to save people facing death, in a horrible fire? or would fear cause you to pass on by, hoping that someone else would show up, knowing children were going to burn to death, without your help? Click on 103H for a surprise.