Learning & Teaching Godly Wisdom. (102)

Just as you have the right to your beliefs & I have the right to mine & we can all believe differently & still love each other, as God commands, as we learn, teach & grow together with Unconditional Love, as we come to see that we truly know little about others; as we have not walked in their shoes, taken their beatings, seen the trouble their eyes have seen, from their birth till now & as such we will not judge their ways, beliefs, attitudes, brokenness etc. but we will show them a unified love & help them to see that they are cared for & do matter; faults & all.

102A. Join with us, where you are needed.

Blessings in your studies & be sure to remember that you are just as worthy as all Gods children, of all His blessings. As in His eyes we are all equally worthy of all He has to teach & all He has to give. Study up on link 102B.

102B. How 2 study the bible.

It is vitally important that we understand why Jesus was sent, as well as understanding the true meaning of “the fear of the Lord”, as many unbelievers are unknowingly facing the very real pits of hell, as are a great many false converts, who sit in the pews thinking that an all loving God has them covered. Click 102C.

102C. Evangelizing is not a religious event.

Many today teach the love of Jesus and have eliminated the Laws of God, they have created New Testament churches, with no need for the Old Testament which taught the truths & laws & need for repentance in our lives.

102D. Don’t dismiss God.

So those saved believers in paradise will, after the tribulation, meet Christ in the air, in their new glorified bodies & usher Christ onto earth for His 1000 yr reign. If interested in Gods truths click 102E

102E. Heaven is for Divinity, Earth is for man.

So, to recap we must admit our sins & transgressions, believe that Jesus came & died, crucified & that He rose again, defeating death & walked out of the grave, having paid the price of death, for all our sins & as such by believing & repenting, we are saved & we have been commanded to evangelize this to other lost people. Click 102F for more.

102F. He did this for YOU.

If we want to be like Jesus, we must learn to confront legalism, in an understandable manner,  as in witnessing to others, we are going to hear all kinds of false beliefs on religion. We must stand down these legalistic barriers & stop making unbiblical rules about how things should be done & start letting Gods people do what must be done, in accordance with God. Click 102G to learn more.

102G. Stand for God against legalism.

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